Tuesday 22 November 2016

Stridhan ( Women’s property)-


1-      Gifts from relatives.
2-      Gifts receive from strangers during marriage ceremony.
3-      Property obtains in partition.
4-      Property obtains in maintenance.
5-      Property acquired by inheritance.
6-      Property acquired through technical skill and art.
7-      Property acquired through compromise.
8-      Property purchased with the earning of Stridhan.
9-      Property acquired lawfully from sources other than those maintained above.


Ø  Adhayagni- Gift at the time of nuptial fire.
Ø  Adhyavaharika- Gift given to bride while women given to husband wife.
Ø  Pritidatta- Gift of mother and father in law.
Ø  Pattidatta- Gift given by husband at the time of marriage.
Ø  Anvadhyegaka- Gift of husband after marriage.
Ø  Shulk- Money Received for marriage.
Ø  Adhivedanika- Gift of First wife.
Ø  Bandhudatta- Gift of relatives of mother and father.
Ø  Vritti- Money given for maintenance.
Ø  Katyayan- Divided Stridhan in two types-
               A)- Saudavik- Absolute right.
B)-Asaudavik- Right with husband.

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